How to fix QuickBooks Error H202?

 QuickBooks is an amazing accounting software that covers all the important tasks of business. As useful as QuickBooks is, it has its frustrating side also. Despite the cumulative updates and improved features, QuickBooks software is not free from technical issues or errors. One such problem is QuickBooks Error H202. QuickBooks Error H202 is an error that occurs when the company file you are trying to reach is on a different computer and QuickBooks needs help connecting it. This issue will appear when you try to access QuickBooks in multi-user mode and leaves the affected QuickBooks user frustrated.

The various reason behind QuickBooks Error H202

Here, we have enlisted the possible cause of QuickBooks Error H202

  • Wrong QuickBooks file hosting settings

  • Damaged or incorrect.ND files configuration

  • Inappropriate DNS configuration

What are the solutions of QuickBooks Error H202?

Try any one of the given fixes to solve QuickBooks Error H202: 

  • Check the network connectivity

  • Access the network diagnostic tool

  • Add your server to the Windows Host file

  • Make a new folder for your company file

  • Restart QuickBooks Database Server Manager 

Hopefully, these solutions will help you eliminate your annoying issues in the least possible time. In case these solutions fail to resolve your issue, call us at QuickBooks Customer Service Phone Number +1-855-756-1077 and get the best technical help for QuickBooks problems. Our experts will provide you with the best solutions to solve QuickBooks Error H202. You can connect with us at any time. 


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